

Browse, discover and download

SoilHive is a collaborative platform developed to aggregate soil data across different data sources, to make this data more available to all the stakeholders working in the agrifood system.
Download soil data and related documentation in just a few clicks.
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Narrow down your search

Search by country or Global FieldID, drawing a polygon or uploading a shape

Narrow down your search

Search by country or Global FieldID, drawing a polygon or uploading a shape

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Narrow down your search

Search by country or Global FieldID, drawing a polygon or uploading a shape

Data Availability Map

Assess soil data availability across different geographies

User-friendly data download

Download all available soil data in one click

Data Availability Map

Assess soil data availability across different geographies

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User-friendly data download

Download all available soil data in one click

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features right

Data Availability Map

Assess soil data availability across different geographies

User-friendly data download

Download all available soil data in one click

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Compare soil data around the world

Easily compare soil data across different data sources and geographies over time by following our wizard

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Step by step

We guide you through the process

Step by step

We guide you through the process

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Step by step

We guide you through the process


Download tabular results in csv and/or pdf format


Learn more about each data source by accessing the metadata


Download tabular results in csv and/or pdf format

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Learn more about each data source by accessing the metadata

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Download tabular results in csv and/or pdf format


Learn more about each data source by accessing the metadata

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Fill the soil data gap

Collaborate with the community by contributing data, encouraging re-use and interpolation to improve understanding of soil data in different contexts

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Your data is valuable

Be part of our community

Your data is valuable

Be part of our community

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Your data is valuable

Be part of our community

Easy to upload

Drag&drop your data and made it available for everyone

Easy to upload

Drag&drop your data and made it available for everyone

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features right

Easy to upload

Drag&drop your data and made it available for everyone


Frequently asked questions


Why do you have an hexagonal map?

At SoilHive, we use Uber H3 hexagons for consistent spatial analysis. These hexagons offer uniform coverage across the map, with equivalent shape and area, facilitating data integration across multiple data sources, and providing a solid framework for soil data density representation.


What is the H3 cell resolution?

H3 is a geospatial indexing system developed by Uber Technologies that organizes the Earth's surface into hierarchical hexagonal cells. H3 supports sixteen resolutions. Each finer resolution has cells with one-seventh the area of the coarser resolution. Hexagons cannot be perfectly subdivided into seven hexagons, so the finer cells are only approximately contained within a parent cell.


What is the Data Availability index?

The Data Availability Index calculation is based on a data-driven approach and defines what is available in a certain location (data density). The DAI serves as a tool to help governments and multilaterals identify areas where data is limited and prioritize efforts to improve data collection and access. A Data Availability Index (DAI) of 0 signifies the least data availability, while a DAI of 1 indicates the highest level of data availability.


How did you calculate the data availability index?

Varda developed a multidimensional assessment framework for assessing data availability that encompasses data density, GIS data type, temporal and spatial resolution, as well as the breadth of information over the soil profile. We assigned a score to each H3 cell based on the information it contains. The scores obtained for each H3 cell are then normalized between 0 to 1. This normalization process enables consistent comparison and interpretation of data availability across different locations and periods.


What are the spatial filters?

We provide a set of spatial filters that allow users to narrow down their search based on areas with similar sets of soil, land cover, and climate characteristics.


How does the Data Comparison module work?

Our Data Comparison module allows you to compare up to two locations per search, based on the properties you're interested in. When possible, we streamline the process by harmonizing different units of measurement across various data sources in the “conversion” column, making it easier for you to compare the information effectively.


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What our users say


“The SoilHive platform is a promising tool that has the potential to greatly benefit the soil community. We're excited to see it develop and are grateful to be involved in the process.”


“It's a very useful tool for soil scientists and for sure will be relevant for carbon-based projects. I am looking forward to being able to use the platform and to collaborate with such interesting and important initiative.”


“SoilHive is a platform with an intuitive design and user-friendly interface that facilitates finding relevant soil data and optimizes the search process. Using SoilHive makes it easier for users to navigate through various sources of soil data and compare them to make informed decisions.”


More by Varda

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Global FieldID


Global FieldID

Simplify Farm & Field Data Sharing

Global Field ID is an API-based system that assigns a Unique ID number to every agricultural land plot to reduce data fragmentation in the ag-food supply chain and foster knowledge sharing and collaboration across the industry